Kitchen Décor Ideas to Help You Get the Mid-Century Modern Look You Want

Scandinavian styled dining room and open plan kitchen with patio outlook

The mid-century modern look has been popular again for several years, and it looks as though that popularity is going nowhere soon. If you are interested in remodeling your kitchen in this style, Cabinet Magic has a few options for you. Keep reading to learn about them and then contact us at 800-570-4194 to get started.

It All Starts With Your Cabinets

One of the easiest ways you can instantly make a huge difference in your kitchen is to change the cabinets. This not have to mean having new cabinets installed – cabinet refacing is one of the most affordable ways you can get a new look. Mid-century modern designs are great, but you can simply change the colors. White cabinets, and those with bronze, copper, or gold pulls, are right in line with this trend. The overall goal is clean lines and warm tones.

Choose Sleek Designs

As mentioned above, choosing clean lines is essential. They are one of the key notes of mid-century modern and everything you choose should have them. You do not want cabinets with raised panels or recessed panels – flat cabinets work best. This does not mean that you cannot choose options with decorative elements, it simply means that they should also have clean lines.

Be Mindful When Choosing Cabinet Hardware

It is not just the cabinets you will need to be careful of, but hardware too. If you are choosing between pulls and handles, we recommend that you look for square-edged handles in copper, bronze, or gold. These warm tones will go well with other colors as long as you stick with the mid-century modern look throughout. You will find that any pulls or handles with curved edges, decorative elements, or bright colors will not fit in with the style.

Your Flooring Needs to Be Mid-Century Modern Too

Of course, your flooring must meet the requirements of mid-century modern style too. Good options include light wood floors, neutral tile floors, and gray hardwood floors. It’s true that classic light wood floors are the standard, but if you cannot afford them or do not want to make that drastic of a change, gray flooring will work just fine as well. The key is to choose a neutral flooring option.

Are you ready to learn more about your options in kitchen décor? If you are thinking of remodeling and need an experienced company to help, contact Cabinet Magic now and we are happy to get you started.